
Showing posts from September, 2017

Those Who Inhabit the Dead in Folklore

Anytime a person sees something that resembles a corpse, they usually experience a primal fear. They know on a deep subconscious level that there is something wrong with whatever they are seeing. There have been many accounts of sightings of thin ghastly white humanoids out in public places, showing up on doorsteps, and even in people bedrooms at night. They are so white that they look like a walking corpse. They often walk in a jerky manor, like they are not used to walking. Perhaps it is because they are not used to walking in the body they are inhabiting during the time of these strange sightings. Maybe the bodies they are inhabiting aren’t really their bodies but the bodies of a ghastly white corpse or its skin. In folklore, there are certain demonic entities, shamans, and creatures that can possess the bodies of the dead or the skin of the dead. Vetala are bodiless Hindu demons that can enter the bodies of the living and the dead. After they inhabit a body they are vampir

Welcome to Frightening Folklore

Folklore is always with us hiding in the shadows of our everyday lives even if we don't realize it. It emerges in small ways such as when you sneeze and someone says " God bless you" without really knowing why other than that we are taught to say it out of politeness just like we are taught to say please and thank you. People began saying "God bless you" when someone sneezes because some of our ancestors believed that a person's soul could leave their body through their mouth when they sneezed. They believed that saying "God bless you" would stop the devil from taking a person's soul when they sneeze or release the soul if the devil had captured it. Some people believed that evil spirits were leaving the body when a person sneezed and that saying "God bless you" after the sneeze would keep the evil spirits from reentering the sneezing person's body. "God bless you" was also said after a sneeze because in some cases a